Many counter view points are being raised like..
- whether someone can try to blackmail or subvert the government?
- whether jan lokpal is the panacea of all ills?
- How many diff kinds of corruptions will this solve
- Is Anna and his team "clean"?
- At the end of it will it give a wrong chance for Congress to come up as Mr. Clean?
Sadly these are raised by many intellectuals too, who are misguided or blinded to the important and bigger implications
- Corruption in India over the last 10 years or so has graduated to astronomical proportions - Jewels like Common Wealth, 2G Spectrum, Adharsh, Others Mega ones like Madhu Koda's thousands of Crores, Mining scams in Karnataka, Land grabbing everywhere, Many many more
- In recent times, the Corrupt has really become bold and arrogant - With a superior-than-thou tone - e.g. zero loss in 2G and CAG is just human to make mistakes.
- People in power are ready to sell India - Its land, Mines, forests, coasts, Spectrum, Any resources - for peanuts just to make a few crore rupees for themselves
- For them Public resources, public money is their money
- There will be nothing left in a few decades for the General public/Aam Aadmi
- Do we need anything left for our future or future generations?
- Do we need to put in some fear factor on the corrupt?
- Do we hope for a period where things happen in a open,transparent and clean manner (without bribe/commissions/cuttings/dealings) ?