Saturday, April 1, 2017

Resolutions for the New year

Well that's quick isn't it? 
It’s been 5 years since I published my resolutions for2012. The best part is that I achieved most of the goals of that year even beyond my planning and actions.
So, I do believe now that writing down your goals, does help.
So here goes another set of goals and activities for this year
·                     Improve my Business and take it to next step
    • Open new geography - Get at-least 5 Indian customers. 
    • First year to make 1Mil USD!
    • Start branding exercises, Partnership exercises.

  • Publish Two books

·                     Learn public communication

·                     Help someone to further in career/life
·                     Start Exercising regularly

·                     Weekends
    • Benign media
    • Sudh Labh – Promote actively
    • Hydrophonics?
    • Volunteering
·                     Give more time and attention to Elders, Youngsters, All
·                     Read more books that inspire, expand and teach
·                     Stop watching T.V
·                     Seek out habits that help overcome fear or inertia. Do more here! (Credit Seth's Tip #6 here)
·                     Focus on quality than quantity. Be right is better than being fast
·                     Think first and then Act
·                     Keep in touch with Friends & Well wishers qualitatively
·                     Meditate daily
·                     Perform Regular cleaning. Reduce old junk (files, docs, items, clothes…)
·                     Thank God for Small Mercies (and large ones)
·                     Learn a Martial art
·                     One vacation w/o Tasks and Todos
·                     Pilgrimage/trek to one of the man 'mala's - Tirumala, Sabarimala, Pazhani......