Today morning started with typical weather in this time of year. Slightly cold, but one could feel a bit of perspiration. Immediately talks of "Sweat has started already" started in the hot, hotter and..... Chennai.
It was a pleasant surprice when the clouds opened up by about 7.30. I always love the rain - feel it is kind of a cleanser, cleaning the whole city and making this look bright and shiny.
It rained pretty well (Atleast in south chennai) for about 30-45 mins before Surya came and showered his blessings.
It was great to see leaves glistening and school children enjoying the pleasant surprise without care about getting wet or spoiling their school uniforms
I am sure everyone will enjoy the rains, if only cities have a better way of managing the after-effects. For that matter, same with the snow - It is so beautiful/Magical while it snows. The only problem I have felt is if you have to step out in the slush post the snow.
I think as a development of human index and to make life better, Cities should take up managing these aftermaths better. Will definitely be a great boon for the public to be able to enjoy these magical moments.
Quite true. When we know that monsoon hits every year at a regular period, why cant we be better prepared? Stop the WOWs from becoming WOEs!